• #STROKE 2050 – my thoughts

    @kate_hayward_ asked some great questions today on Twitter What does #stroke look like in #2050 for you? #Nobudget #Nolimits What do you want to see achieved? What would be a game changer? In #2050 I’d like to see preventing, treating, & providing comprehensive life-long rehabilitation & support for stroke survivors a National Priority In #2050 I’d like to see #stroke separated from #cardiovascular disease in health policy & planning. Being combined masks stroke’s neurological complexity & denies it focus & funding a thread I’d like to see Australia adopt BEFAST instead of FAST as an acronym to recognise stroke, currently…

  • Eating Well – the Mediterranean Way

    While many stroke survivors can’t identify risk factors that may have contributed to their stroke, there is considerable evidence that poor diet is associated with high cholesterol, a risk factor for stroke. Research around secondary prevention of…

  • ‘Accidental’ Exercise

    For some people, getting regular exercise is a integral part of their life, some people even talk about being addicted to exercise! After having a stroke and hopefully getting rehabilitation, maintaining or increasing your fitness and avoiding…